Morning all.
I thought I'd share some joy today. Enjoy xxx
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Three thirty-something women and one hyper-verbal Nibbles, inappropriately obsessed with Twilight, blog about Twilight related crap. Yep, that about sums it up.
Evening all, Tuesday night here. WAITING SUCKS! Not only do I have to wait until April 16th for NM but I'm sure we won't get season 3 in June. Is it just me, but I have trouble understanding what B&E are saying in that clip. I'm also quite happy to suck Eric's bullets out and anyting else he needs sucking for that matter!
Thanks Mary :o)
I've still not even watched Season 1 of True Blood yet even though I've got it on iTunes, I've given up hope of ever seeing them all now, looks like I'll just be sticking with the books!
It seems really quiet in the fandom at the mo, where is everybody? What are you all doing?
Do we still want to do Community Fanfic Thursdays? Not sure if last week was just a quiet week or you're all bored with it?!
Can we do a mini roll-call? Who's around? (Lurkers - good time to pop up and say hello!)
@Stacked Like Sookie - LOL at offering your sucking skills for Eric!
Aw Stan I love you for putting some TB on here, yay Eric! Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom!!!!
I'm happy with CFF up to you guys!
Lurkers, pmsl that makes me grin so much, haha lurk, lurk, ok I'm easily amused but not as easily as Mary bwahahaha carrots!
@Sooks-hey sweetheart *waves-I would so suck Eric lol in a heartbeat!
It's Mary's post Nibs!
er DOH!!!
in my defence-I'm crap LOL
*raising hand* I'm here! I'm sure you girls thought you'd gotten rid of me while I was on vacation, but until you foreclose on my house in this neighborhood, I'll be here :)
I can't watch videos at work (sad face), but it's great to see your name attached to a post, Mary. How's life treating you?
@Stan - How are the kids? Better, I hope.
Thanks for thinking of us Lisa. Will's better but Harry's still poorly. He's stopped being sick but isn't eating, just drinking. He's got a temp and is pretty lifeless, lying around and sleeping bless him :o(.
How's Travis? Hope his throat's on the mend.
@Stan - Poor Harry :( Hope he feels better soon! I haven't talked to Travis yet today. When I talked to him late last night, he said he thought his fever had broke. I just got a call from his old high school coach wanting to know if Travis was pitching today. It was in our local newspaper that Travis's college was playing the local college. What a bummer that he can't make the trip and pitch in front of the hometown crowd. *sigh*
I'm here but I am at work and sick (head cold). CFF is awesome so I wouldn't give it up yet. I think some weeks are just more quiet than others.
Here's to health for everyone!
@Dangrdafne - Sorry to hear your headache turned into something more. Spring always sounds so good in theory; but it's allergy season, the weather is screwy, and it all messes with our heads. Feel better soon! XXXOOO
Community Fanfic is FABULOUS, please don't take my sunshine away...
@17ForeverLisa - It's funny I always pick Spring as my favorite time of year, maybe one of these years I will notice that I get a cold every time and NOT pick it as my favorite! I just hope that since I have the head cold, I can avoid the stomach thing that is going around at work! I am supposed to go away starting this Friday! Crossing fingers and toes and blowing my nose (I just had to rhyme, sorry).
Oh my, that was a beautiful scene. I can't wait to watch Eclipse. But I just realized something - I will not be watching any more clips, because I might end up seeing the entire film in bits and pieces before I actually set my foot in the theatre.
@Stan - I think it was just a slow week. Recently, I've acquired a pain in my right arm, and I'm pretty sure it's from holding the mouse. I'm trying to cut back on computer time, but it ain't easy.
Surely we can't be getting TB season 3 in June???
@Stan I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU HAVE NOT SEEB TRUE BLOOD! Yes, I think that needed shouty capitals.
TB is just... there are no need to make time, lol.
God I can't even shout properly! it should have been SEEN of course.
word verif : butprec *made me giggle*
OK, I'm afraid this is a really dumb question, but please don't laugh and call me a dumb blonde (even though I am sometimes): How can I see True Blood if I don't have HBO?
I'm a True Blood virgin and I DON'T WANNA BE! I must give it up already!
@TooMuchCoffee - If you have Netflix you can "rent" the first season from them. I think you can download Season 1 from i-Tunes for a charge. But maybe others know more too.
@Stan everything @Becky said! Yes TB Season 3 will be in the States in June but I havn't a clue when anywhere else.
@TooMuchCoffee my hubtard calls me a dumb blonde under my brown hair (asshole) but I just bought S1 on DVD coz I didn't have HBO either, so I could watch as much as I like & pause on various scenes. Like the one where you first see Eric in Fangtasia & the one where Bill comes home & finds Eric in his bath. I still havn't worked out if it's his thumb on the side of the bath or his dick in the bath. Eric in the bath......nom nom nom @Nibbles!
Nom to the max, Eric is a God, he's just sooo tall and tall really does it for me, until my ex partner and my husband oh and the one short guy I dated for like um once, all my bf's have been way over 6 ft. I'm 5ft 5 which isn't short but I love the tall thing, makes me feel protected, Rob is just perfect height, length, width ahem sorry carried away again!!
Eric is also the perfect man for me, tall, built, he has so gotta be hung too, he just has that look about him. Overload, thinking dirty thoughts....
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