Here we are Friday again YES!!! I love fridays...Anyhow last week....
Becky picked....
SmartEpantz as winner of last weeks FFF.
Smarts is a loon of the first order and I love her to bits so I was really pleased she got to pick the questions so its over to comments in red...I told you last week I have issues with it pmsl ...Psst Smarts, you're on...
Okays, so I've no fucking clue how exactly I'm supposed to go about submitting this, or what the accepted protocol is for the whole question asky thingy. That means you're just gonna have to live with the fact that I'm going to spew word vomit all over you, and then you can feel free to edit me as you see fit. Sound good??? I fucking hope so! :D (sounds fanfuckingtastic to me except the vomit part, not so much a fan of that!)
I have to start off giving a shout out to @Becky, my fellow Hairsticker and Scarlett lover! WOOT!!! **waves excitedly**
I'm glad I'm not alone in this crazy world. Although I usually just wait till the hair dries and then throw it in the trash...we all have our own methods! (um I have a confession, I realised this morning whilst in the shower that I do er something similar, I put my hair on the soap dish, we don't use the dish btw, then I throw it in the bin when I get this still gross?)
He can leave whatever the fuck he wants in my shower, preferably himself!
Right. So. On to the questions....
I am a total fucking noob so if you've done these ??'s before that's just too damn bad. Suck it the fuck up and answer them again because I wasn't around the first time, and I want to get to know you whorefaces dammit!!!
Now I feel better.
On with it.
(fuck you go girl, don't mess with the Smarts!)
1) What was your prior fixation to Twilight? Did you have something that sucked your time and energy and completely mindfucked you, that has gone the way of the fucking Dodo since you came to the Sparkly side?
Don't diss the sparkles dude, they made you what you are!
2) Tell me your most embarrassing life experience. I'm eleventy bajillion percent sure this has been asked before, but allow me to qualify...I'm not talkin' about an "oooops I tripped over the curb and faceplanted right in front of a cute bloke" kinda thing. I mean complete and utter TORTURE!!! Something that will forever be etched into the folds of your brain. I realize we all have unique experiences, so I'll just say that as far as I'm concerned there is noooooo such fucking thing as as open as you are comfortable with. I may be new, but I would bet my left tit that there is no one here that will be judgemental and self-righteous about anyone else's answers.
I would so find your sausage and make you never wonder about being a girl again....ever
3) You are part of the set crew for New Moon, and after filming wraps you get to take one thing from the set to keep for yourself. What do you choose? Actors are not considered part of the set you whores.
What d'ya mean actors don't count (harumpf) jewellry counts though yeah?
4) Define what 'True Love' means to you.
Sigh...I did this very same thing when I worked in the Wheatsheaf pub....hey I bet Rob would have been well impressed bwahahahahaaaaa. I know...its a talent *bows
5) You bump into Rob at a pub and share a few pints. You hit it off, and the flirting and sexual tension is palpable. You both step out for a smoke and suddenly find yourselves a tangled mess of tongues and hot breath and despite all the frantic groping and exploring, you can't seem to get close enough to each other. (Holy fuck, I just got myself all hot and panting) He pulls back, with a throaty voice and intense glare he tells you he wants to take you back to his flat and shag you senseless, but his girlfriend Kristen has to be in the mix. Do you accept or decline? If you accept, how does this scenario play out?
Can I get 3 Rob's and me to go please-now!!
There you have it. I hope I didn't disappoint.
I am truly honored to be involved in this fuckery!
Bear hugs and clit rubs.
Damn so there you have Smarts friday fun fuckery, hope you have fun um doing it as much as I've enjoyed doing it with you ho's. Smarts....I always enjoy doing it with you pmsl....oh dear *wipes eyes. I can't wait for these answers...
Also look out for the adventures of mini e or mini e does work experience tomorrow!