Ok Ho's here's a few questions you wanted to ask Mr Pantz
He has assured me he'll happily answer any more in the comments, so go for it.
are you scared yet?
Questions in Blue answers in Red
First question comes from Snarkier Than You. over to you Snarky
So Mr. Pantz recently said the following:
i have an instant argument winner for a man [to be used in an argument with a woman] that i have developed. it is fool proof but i won't reveal it here ["here" being in the comments of Twitarded]. saving it for later.
Spill it, Mr. Pantz. Inquiring Twitards want to know. Forewarned is forearmed and all that good stuff. And while you're at it, I challenge you to come up with a way for a woman to emerge victorious if faced with said fool-proof argument-winner. You can do it (even if you don't want to). May the 'tard be with you.
First off, STY, I want to say you’re a real bitch. You know exactly what you did in asking that question. So before I go any further let me say one more time. You. Are.A.Real.Bitch. J (guess you weren’t kidding when you said you were on to me, huh?) I am, however, extremely glad to report that it took me being married for 10 years before I came up with the line in the first place. So I’m pretty sure that as genius as it is, its antidote will take even longer to concoct. However, if we’re still punching each other in the arm when no one’s looking by then, I’ll gladly tell you so you can crawl out from the blanket of silence that this will put you under. Go call Mr. STY over here. It’s alright. I’ll wait…………………
The discovery of this line actually was an accident. It just popped out of my mouth but when it did it rendered E speechless so I knew I had something special. Ready? Is the anticipation killing you? Here it is. 7 Perfect Little Words.
If you need further clarification of why this is a clear winner, you can ask me in the comments. I’ll be around for awhile after the show for a more personal meet and greet. They’ve got this deli tray in the green room. That’s pretty nice. I hear there’s going to be punch and cookies. Although I’m not holding my breath this time. I’ve already been promised cookies twice this week and left empty handed. (LWE, I’m looking at you. I know that security tape was a fraud. How come the plate in your “video” is a paper plate yet the plate I saw next to you was clearly a classic Corning Ware white with green leaves around the border. HMMMMM?)
Next we have MusingBella
Mr. Pantz: Do you have any obsessions that rival our Twilight obsession? (I will think Star Wars is a cop out unless you can really delve into detail and/or compare and contrast it to Twilight...)
Is there a limit to how long you’ll let your posts get? What? Why is Stan crying… no… well I know she’s the one who has to transcribe this recording. Calm down. Alright people we need a sparkle peen over her, STAT!
Feel better? I knew you would.
To answer your question MB, yes. I do.
(yeah, I know I’m a fucker. Who do you think put the smart E in her Pantz? Next time be more specific. J Love you!)
Note from Mary-It's actually me doing this one, not Stan.
And patiently awaiting her turn is Raitz
You are home alone (the wife and kids are out of the country on safari for a couple days and unreachable), and the doorbell rings - OMG, it's Rob and Taylor!!(side note from E. as I was reading this question aloud to her she said, “Robin Taylor? Who’s that?!) They've heard there's now a male Twitard and they want to hang with you for the rest of the day before jetting off on their next promo shoot for Eclipse. What do you guys get up to on your Boys Night Out??
(side note from E. ooooooo. Manscaping!)
I’ve given this one a lot of thought. And I know I should probably say some guy shit like watch football or get a beer. But that’s kind of fucking stupid. I could do that anytime. And I don’t want to lie to you. If I had Rob and Taylor and we were hanging out for the rest of the day I WOULD TRAVEL BEHIND THEM AND CATCH ALL OF THE PUSSY THAT FLIES OFF THEIR WAKE BECAUSE I WILL PROBABLY NEVER GET THAT TYPE OF CHANCE AGAIN. Except maybe in Forks. I said that to E and she said something about pushing out her Bella shield. Don’t know WTF that means. Maybe I should read the books one of these days
Stepping up to the plate is the lovely JellyBaby
Do he and E talk the same way they type, and if so, do they have like one of those timers that chess players use to manage their turns? I'm sure I needn't say that if the answer is negative, then please elaborate, but I will anyway. :D
You know that was funny enough I’m not even going to waste time coming up with a skit here. Yes. We do. I talk like this all of the time in my daily life and It gets me into no end of RL adventures. The only difference is that here it seems like we’re polite because we have to take “turns”. IRL it gets loud.
But you know, that chess clock is actually a good idea! I mean I love you, E and when you say, “listen… just listen….” And it keeps going and going and going and I keep waiting for a break and it doesn’t come… for like 45 minutes. I mean at least I know that you should quit at 44 right before people get bored. If you can catch them at moderately annoyed instead of bored is key.
The Chess Clock would be PERFECT. Thanks for paying it forward Jelly! ;)
itching for her turn is The wease
1. Have you actually read the Twilight Saga.
If not, do you plan to?
If so, did you like it?
Yes, I plan on reading it after The Hubtard’s launch some time and blogging about it. I’ve heard so many women talk about their “first time” with reverence and awe I thought it would be fun to experience my first time with a group and allow them to vicariously relive their first time through me. And we can discuss. I LOVE discussion. *looks at audience* LOVE discussion. If I’ve got a good discussion going on, I’ll leave the post up as long as it takes to hash out. So feel free to “hang out” at my place and talk. I love when comment conversations meander and soon you’re not even anywhere near the topic of the post. Good times…I mean, that’s what I’m used to. That’s what my prior blogging experience was like. We were much more contemplative. I used to just post a single question and leave it up for a week. We would discuss and after 3 or 4 days it would get good because people have had more time to think and process. You ladies is some FAST BLOGGGY BITCHES. So if I’m not there for every post, understand I mean no disrespect. Work like 60+hrs/wk IRL
2. Why the fuck are you choosing to hang out with a bunch of Robgasmic chicks online? (Not that I'm complaining, I just don't get it.)
*jaw drops* are you serious? YOU. All of you. I’m here for all of you. I’m not really interested in Twilight. And Rob doesn’t set my loins on fire. (except neverthink. Seeeeexxxxyyyyyyyyy. Mmmmmm. Then I would love to fuck his mouth while he sings.) I’ll probably say this a hundred times more, but I will keep saying it until it sinks in. I LIKE ALL OF YOU! YOU ALL HAVE REALLY CLEVER AND WITTY SENSES OF HUMOR THAT MAKE ME LAUGH AND SEXY IMAGINATIONS THAT GET ME ALL WORKED UP. The same reasons YOU”RE here. That’s not why I came here. I came here to save my marriage. I STAYED here because the people I have met have been nothing short of amazing , ever loving, and have embraced me with nothing but open arms. At least to my face.
I love women. I think Women are the highest form on earth. In fact, my views on this are one of the reasons I got kicked out of church. You see, in the creation tale at the beginning of genesis you have god and she is making everything. She starts with simple things and as the progression continues, the forms become more complex. Eventually, according to the story, man is created from the dust of the ground. Now, in a story where everything has been building and getting better and better and more complex, from a part of the highest being available on the planet, god fashions woman. And then stops. And calls it good. ‘Nuff said.
3. Ok, this isn't actually a get to know you question...it's more of a "can you explain this" guy question: What is it about a woman in a white tank top that drives men nuts?
*jaw drops* Weeeeezz….
According to Ask Twitarded you just made God kill two kittens. How do you live with yourself? Kitten murderer.
Have you ever SEEN a woman in a white tank top? Especially when she’s not wearing a bra. And the breasts have to be real. Sorry, but fake breasts are a FUCKING WASTE OF A BREST. Imo. Unless you’re doing it after a mastectomy or something to regain your self esteem. Then I’m totally for it. But just “fake boobs” for “fake boobs” sake… Fake boobs are one of the big reasons that mainstream porn is very lacking these days. See, you got me all riled up and I promised myself I wouldn’t rant. Where was I?
Oh yesss…..
I remember.
White Tank Top.
No Bra.
For me, I love how just looking at the cotton caressing the breast says softness. It makes my cock twitch. I know just how it will feel to slide my hand lightly over the whole breast as I wait for the flesh of the nipple to tighten and firm up. And then to just lightly brush the newly hardened nipple through the fabric. Then you can move from there to some nice nibbles through the shirt. And THEN you can make her slide it up and over her breasts slowly before you take one of those firm nipples in your mouth and give it just enough soft pressure with my tongue to make a moan escape her mouth.
So… What is that, now. Like 6 different levels of sexy from a simple piece of white cloth?
I don’t know… Why do YOU think they’re sexy…;)
Pantz is off
Ok Ho's go for it
Oh and MrPantz can be found over there -------------------The Hubtard