Sunday 16 May 2010

Elusively Yours

So, the birthday blog train eventually reached the final station and we all alighted.  I have to say, Kelly was right about Edbrella being the bar car, and by Thursday I think the excesive Rob-ahol intake had got to us all so much that we were all a bit bleary-eyes, and actually forgot to wish Rob a Happy Birthday on the day itself.  I think Nibble picked things up nicely for us on Friday, and I'd also like to thank Dangrdafne for doing a great job of hosting the Friday Fun Five for us, and also to everyone who found their way over there to answer Tongue Twied's questions. 

Another exciting thing that happened this week for me, is that I finally posted my new fic Elusively Yours up on  It's only three chapters in so far, but the responses I've been getting have been fab and I thank everyone who has taken the time to read and review it!

The story takes place after Unravel Me, the one-shot that I wrote for the Black Balloon angst contest.  We're left with a pretty scarred, badly behaved Edward, who's main interest these days is....nah, you'll have to read it to find out ;o)

I'm also looking for someone to make me a good banner for this story, so if you can help, or know someone who can, let me know :o).

Right, I'm chicken-sitting this week, so I'd better go and look after them!

What are your Sunday plans?


Kim @citygirlinak said...

Stan I had no idea Elusively Yours was your fic. I just found it and started reading it yesterday. I will be sure to comment!

Dangrdafne said...

I did laundry, mowed the lawn, sat on Twitter and gmail, talked with 17ForeverLisa, and received a tweet from Peter Facinelli through twilightcupcake from TwiTour in Vancouver. Here is the tweet:

@cupcakegirl76: @Dangrdafne hi. It's Peter facinelli. Wish u were here;) P

This is most definitely one of the best Sundays EVER!!!!

Now go read Elusively Yours if you're not already - it is AMAZING!

Stan said...

@KG, thanks, hope you enjoy it :o)

@DD Wow! It'd be one of my best too. I really need to catch up with bloggy stuff, not 'spoken' with TC for aaaaages! Damn RL.