Stan and Nibbles go for a test drive
Who I really wanted as my driving instructor (sorry I thought that was the gear stick Mr Pattinson)
Anyhow it was decided that the time for my lesson would be saturday afternoon after I'd finished doing all the domesticated Real Life shit I have to deal with on a weekend. Yanno like (ugh) food shopping (blah). Standing at the checkout; ok near the checkout cos the place was rammed I felt the trolley rage come over me. I texted Stan to say I had the sudden urge to kill or maim several people nearby and could she please distract me. As we had been discussing earlier in the week the possibility of taking the Tay Tay to soft play to celebrate growing up the image she gave me of lil T on the swings made me feel much better.
Jacob and mini E show they can share
Haha I bet you thought she was gonna say sexy shit to me to make me think of Rob and I'd post a fuck hawt picture of him all semi nekkid and touching himself didn't you? You did...oh...ok, one semi nekkid Rob coming up...
Fuck hawtedness by the shed load I'm sure you'll agree
Where was I, oh yeah, so the lesson began. I got in and Stan told me to familiarise myself with the controls.... "OOOOOOOOOOOO what does this button do Stan?" (Stan slaps my hand) "don't press that one Nibbles" I pouted.... "OOOOoooo Stan can I touch that?" " No Nibbles, you may not, that deletes fucking everything" (we started again, ahem) "Stan am I annoying you?"...." No Nibbles" said through clenched teeth I'll have you know "you are not annoying me but will you please, stop fiddling with the switches and knobs (I sniggered at this point) and CONCENTRATE" ( I cried in the back seat at that point)
Stan said that there'd be a blue bar (I could've used a drink about then) and something about a pink outline around pictures so I could move them and shit. But I have no pink outline, there is no blue bar....then I remembered in Nibbles world nothing ever fucking works properly. I've probably got outdated shit or updated shit or different shit to every other fucker who's ever posted or ever will post stuff on a blog type shit. This is cos I'm speshul!
She kept shouting at me clutch, clutch, Left hand down, upload, centre it, it got messy. Tears were shed, texts sent back and forth across the ethernet. Would I have to change fonts or colours. Do I have to post on a certain time or date. Did I have to get approval of what I wrote. I'm such a nube I know...
Nibbles you're such a fuckin nube (um thanks Rob)
So there you have it, my first post.....Ok hands up all of you who thought I was just gonna jump up and down and shout penis, penis, penis??! (counts 12345, 6 at the back) pretty much all you's ho's then lol. I was bloody well tempted just to throw as many Rob pics on the screen and go there, go drool, my fucking job is done.....however I decided to save the penis jumping till next time. I have an idea for a post hehe but I'm gonna have to work at that one and this is just a fucking practice ok cos I really have no fucking clue what I'm doing and all you's blogging ladies are like clever and know what buttons to press and shit. (I'm still looking for the auto-pilot or voice control that does it all for me)
So till next time ladies I bid you adieu...this is Nibbles over and out.....whispers (Stan, Stan, was that ok, do I turn the mic off now, can I take my safety harness off. Stan, you left the child locks on...Stan I can't get out....Stan? um Stan?....Mary?....Twi-weasel.....