Thank God that Mr Stan is working in the office today, his working from home really cramps my style - and steals my puter grrrr. Anyway, over to Lisa from 17 Forever for this week's questions!
Thanks, SV, for picking on me...I mean picking me as last week's FFF winner. In honor of my senility, welcome to FFF lite. No Googling required ;)
1 - Who is the first person that you think about when you get up in the morning?
Awww! Sssssh!
2 - What is the wallpaper on your cellphone?
This is mine ♥♥♥
3 - How would you describe the most romantic night of your life?
Yep, def no mushroom ravioli calibre nights for me *sigh*
4 - What song always makes you happy when you hear it?
No explanation needed, right?
5 - You are starring in a porn movie. Who do you want cast as your costar, and what is the title of the movie?
Hmm, he looks like he might have all the necessary, uh, credentials. Excellent work RobManiPorn ladies :o)
Happy Friday, Twi-Hos!
Thanks Lisa, I can't wait to read the answers :o)
I'm glad I stopped by to check out the questions...if for no other reason than to see that last picture. DAMN!!!!!
I'll answer later...
ROFL! I luuuurve the questions Lisa, they're really too fun.
1. Um, at the risk of sounding sappy, I'm gonna go with Marko. Although I wouldn't mind if every once in a while that particular photo of Kellan popped in my mind.
2. Orchids. Georgia O'Keefe anyone?
3. Um... I'm not really into romantic evenings. I'd rather live it on every day basis, which I do, so I've no clue how to answer this question, except maybe say that one of the most romantic nights of my life was when Marko proposed - on New Year's eve, in the rain.
4. I Can See Clearly Now - it always makes me turn up the volume, sing and dance. Such a positive song.
5. Smirk. This is too easy. Kellan of course as my co-star. The title: "Tasting Jelly"
1 - Who is the first person that you think about when you get up in the morning?
Probably the kids, usually though because thy're there and nagging me to get up, otherwise, if I've had a good *wink* dream it'll prob be whoever the star was :o)
2 - What is the wallpaper on your cellphone?
The pic that I posted below your question :o). VF Rob is still my fave.
3 - How would you describe the most romantic night of your life?
Ha! You have very obviously never met Mr Stan or the very few plebs that came before him! I'm not sure I can say that I've ever had a romantic experience. The other Ho's are going to make me sick with their fantastic stories now aren't they?!!
4 - What song always makes you happy when you hear it?
Posted it :oD
5 - You are starring in a porn movie. Who do you want cast as your costar, and what is the title of the movie?
I'm going to go with Mr Stan (did I say we didn't do romance? Disproves that one LOL!) I feel comfortable with him and he's not half bad ;o). Of course, if I had a proper porn star figure then I may well go for someone like....Mmmm, I think Kellan would make a good pornstar :o). As far as titles go, I guess the Kellan one could involve our couple name - Gemmett LOLOL.
ROFL at your porn title Jelly!!!
I don;t think Mr Stan even proposed, we just sort of decided to get married!
1 - Who is the first person that you think about when you get up in the morning?
Usually Mr Mary if only to tell him to stop poking me in the frigging back!
2 - What is the wallpaper on your cellphone?
Rob lost out on this privelige i'm afraid wallpaper
3 - How would you describe the most romantic night of your life?
It would be when Mr Mary went all out with decorating the table with flower, candles etc for a romantic meal. Take away, he couldn't cook at the time lol. It was lovely though that he'd put the effort in :)
4 - What song always makes you happy when you hear it?
Supermassive black hole, it's my ringtone and it makes me rememeber the joy of finding Twilight
5 - You are starring in a porn movie. Who do you want cast as your costar, and what is the title of the movie?
I'm having more than one!! My film, my rules
Rob, Tom Hardy, Wesley Snipes, Tyrese Gibson and I'm gonna let Zac Effron have a go too cos Aaliyah is into 17 again and now i'm into him
It will be called Mary's Filthiest Fantasies come true
Fab Q's xxx
Afternoon ladies!
1) whichever kid woke me up...usually the littlest one.
2) a montage of Edward faces from the biology class scene in twilight.
3) ugh...nothing stands out in particular. We spent more nights setting up practical jokes on each other than setting up romantic dates. That's how we roll...
4) happy birthday to you. It means there's cake nearby.
5) it would star Robert Pattinson and it would be called Master of the Universe.
1 - I usually don't think about someone in particular but I question what I have planned for the day.
2 - My cell wallpaper is a beautiful wallpaper that Lisa sent me for my new crackberry. It involves GQ Rob. Nuff' said.
3 - My s/o finally proposing in a very simple over dinner in our condo.
4 - Kings of Leon Sex on Fire...cause it makes me think of Rob and Robsten ;) (sorry Mrs. P & Mox) And the best Rob porn vid EVER is set to that song.
5 - the red room of pain ;)
@Mrs. P- LMAO about your Happy B-Day to you answer! Also...we both agree on Fifty ;)
Great job on the post, Gemma!! Although, that picture of Emmett came up in my Blogger Dashboard and skeeered me just a little.
Look forward to reading everyone's answers and passing the baton for next week.
Happy Friday!!
Gemma - we knew we were going to get married since we met each other, so the fact that he did this, and gave me a wooden ring, really blew my mind. It was really something I never thought I would experience.
Mary - PMSL at the title of your porn film.
Margaret - same as above. For some reason, I always thought of you more as Mrs.Robinson, aka, the one DOING the whipping, not receiving, LoL.
1. Myself cuz I'm conceited or the person I was dreaming about... this morning was Rob, jealous??
2. It was Kellan with his jeans hanging half off but my sis said it looked like porn so I was thoroughly embarrassed.. now its my cousin she's 1y/o and adorable as hell
3. Hmmm... going out to dinner at a nice restaurant in downtown chicago then walking along the lake. And maybe a little romp in the boudoir with the guy that took me on said most romantic night of my life.
4. SOF is one song that makes me smile when I hear it or anything by Maroon 5 makes me smile
5. So hard to choose one guy to be my co-star so here is my list in order of choice... Kellan, Adam Levine, RPattz, Jeffrey Donovan, JRath, PFach, James Lafferty, Colin Farrel okay I will stop now you get the pic that I'm a duuurty hoor. If I got to star with my first choice it would be Kellan does Kassie. I'm not too creative w porn names LOL!!!
my word verification is: dicuts
wtf why does that sound really dirty???
1 - Who is the first person that you think about when you get up in the morning?
My cats Milo and Otis
2 - What is the wallpaper on your cellphone?
I don't have a wallpaper.
3 - How would you describe the most romantic night of your life?
The one when I am 80 and getting together with my lost love.
4 - What song always makes you happy when you hear it?
Nothing But a Good Time - reminds me of younger more fun days
5 - You are starring in a porn movie. Who do you want cast as your costar, and what is the title of the movie?
Sorry Lisa I got nothing for this one.
Yeah for easy questions Lisa thanks
1) If I had a Rob dream (I've sadly only ever had 3) I'm thinking of him. Often I'm thinking about whichever kid has screamed and woken me up. If I actually wake not in a dream and not from kids I think of my hubby of course.
2) I have a E&B Twilight dance scene on my iPhone from MissAmyJoon right now. Oh crap, I just forgot I need to update Twi-Mobile!
3) Interesting one, maybe these aren't so easy after all. The most romantic night - first date with my hubby. We were 16 and I had officially sworn off men (or boys since I was 16). It was Feb 18th so after Valentine's Day and I was yearbook editor in grade 11 (junior year for you Americans). He picked me up for dinner on the pretense of a non-date but when I got to the car there were 2 dozen red roses in my seat. I could barely fit in the two seater. We had what I considered a fancy seafood dinner at age 16 and then we stood on the dock watching ferry boats go by. He put his arm around me but I don't think we kissed. Can feel the electricity buzzing through me now. Okay officially must go find my husband after I finish answering FFF.
4) My happy song? How 'bout thrilled and relaxed? I'm usually super keyed up so anything to get me to chill is happy. I love the song "Liz on Top of the World" on the Pride & Prejudice score. It reminds me so much of Keira Knightley in the wind on that cliff. So magical. I play it when I'm super sad and it makes me almost smile and that's saying something.
5) Hehehe, can I have Rob, Christian Bale, and George Clooney? I'd be in a fancy hotel room after all of us have gone to some fancy gala. All the guys are in tuxes and I'm in some stunning floor length gown. I imagine George sitting in a fancy chair with his bowtie undone and top button opened just watching our threesome.
Title "The Belle and the Balls"
Interesting questions my dear :)
OMG @twilightcupcake that is the best porn title EVER!!!! ROFLMAO
Interesting mix of easy and hard here Lisa...
1. My dogs, usually because one of them's lying on my chest while the other one's bouncing all over the bed like a chipmunk on crack.
2. Since I just got a new phone and I have no Robporn on it yet, it's van Gogh's Starry Night.
3. Nothing springs to mind unfortunately :(
4. Green Day's Minority. It always makes me smile like a moron. And sing along like an even bigger moron.
5. Hmm, Rob, Chris Cornell and maybe Johnny Depp. The title would be Make the Banshee Scream!
My, didn't you all turn out to be greedy bitches! I bet Kellan would be flattered that he was more than enough to be the ONLY star in my porno. Maybe I should tweet this particular FFF to him, pmsl?
Yes - I'm well past entry time, but I'm going to answer anyway. :P
Answering first...
1. First person in the am.
My cat, then my dog, then my daughter and hubs, then me.
2. Cell Wallpaper.
It's not very interesting. It's just a bunch of green leaves.
3. Most Romantic Night.
I'm not sureif this is supposed to be my ideal night or one I've actually experienced, so I'm going to guess. :P
My ideal romantic evening includes Mr. SV and I laughing and enjoying each other all night, regardless of what activity or lack of that we're experiencing.
4. Happy Song.
I have so many! Lately, I've been obsessing over the Eminem/Rihana song Love the Way You Lie.
5. Porn.
Ugh. No porn for me. Sorry. But that manip is NAUGHTY!
Off to read answers. :)
Well, guess who's late to her own party?
1 - Who is the first person that you think about when you get up in the morning?
I'm not going to lie. It's Rob. I get up, grab my BlackBerry, and look to see what the latest news on him is. Still waiting for Montreal pics, damn it!
2 - What is the wallpaper on your cellphone?
It's a wallpaper created by DreamySim1 of Rob in a grey suit, skinny black tie, and running his fingers through his hair. He has the right amount of scruff and the FME eyes. And, of course, it makes me think of Fifty. Ka-ching!
3 - How would you describe the most romantic night of your life?
I was curious to see what everyone had to say about this one because my husband is so not romantic and neither am I. I was hoping I wasn't alone.
4 - What song always makes you happy when you hear it?
It was the first one I had as a ringtone on my cell phone. It still makes me smile, nod my head, and think of baseball, my other love: Supermassive Black Hole.
Mrs. P's answer for this one had me LMAO off, though. Very clever.
5 - You are starring in a porn movie. Who do you want cast as your costar, and what is the title of the movie?
And this question brings us to my choice for the winner of this week's FFF, Mrs. P. She tooks the words right out of my mouth. How could I NOT pic her? *sigh*
Thanks everyone for playing along. The weekend's almost here again. Woo hoo!
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