Wow, well hey, hello, how are you? It's a little dusty in here...someone's not been keeping up with the housekeeping! I'm saying nothing...I hate dusting...only when you can write in it do I deign to get the polish and a cloth out...or if I have visitors then I go mental. If they're good friends or family...meh! They're used to it...but I digress....
Here I am, newly dusted off!!
Oooo it's a Festive Friday Fun Five...
Ooooo can we go there on Fridays please?!
Um so it's been a while...there's been a few up and downs, goings on and a general malaise amongst us to do with blogging. It's not that we don't love Rob or the others, we do goes on and some of us have been writing or baking or just being really, really busy at work. We're all looking forward to BD part 1 and we can't wait for WFE but somehow we've all kinda shifted a little. Not exactly moved on but sorta side stepped a wee bit, a kind of hiatus if you like. But I'm sure we will pop up from time to time and post something so please...keep your alerts on, check back, poke us on FB to see what's to the questions...
Sigh, we've just been a little down or busy
1) What is the worst Christmas present you have ever received?
2) What do you usually do on Christmas Day? Do you have a family traditions you carry out and if so what are they?
We all liked to gather round and stick cactii on our heads
3) What would make your perfect Christmas? Go wild, it doesn't have to be real and there are noooooo recriminations!
Well he would make it pretty perfect hehe
4) Ok you have received a truly hideous gift from your Twilight/True Blood love God, you really cannot stand this present, do you (a) regift it and hope they never find out, even though you all hang with the same people or (b) hide it and just drag it out whenever they're around?
I don't look happy do I? What did he get me?
Perhaps a cartoonized self portrait Xmas card of him
(I'd much rather see a photograph of Eric in pink spandex...sigh, that would be something to treasure lol)
5) How do you use up those Christmas leftovers? LOL well I wonder about these things!
Give em to this guy obviously!
6) Do you have any New Years Resolutions? What are they and do you think you can do it? Or if you'd rather not say they're resolutions, have you decided to have a go at something or change something in 2011?
I love Calvin & Hobbs and this goes for all of you, I love you all the way you are, you're perfect!
Well that's it...if you'd like the FFF to continue then I won't say it will be every week but I don't mind doing the odd one and I'll email whoever wins and get them to send me the questions if I can get hold of them...
Couple of housekeeping things....Take care over the holidays, no drinking and know what they say....
Merry Christmas you lovely ho bags, have a fantastic time and a Happy New Year to all!