Now let me just throw something out here...It's been a looooooooong time since I've been in a vehicle that TLR was driving, and I've forgotten how freaking scary that shit is! I think I did a good job of not letting it show that I was afraid for my life...Love you, TLR!
Anywhore...we stopped at a gas station called the Flying J for a potty break, and we looked around for a photo op for Mrs. P. We found it on some dude's motorcycle. TLR said she was glad to have me along to just go up and ask complete strangers if we can take a picture of their shit.
Back on the road again, and we were looking for the sign that Mr. TLR said "you can't miss."
I guess we proved him wrong. In our defense, we were looking for a sign right next to the road we were driving on, not waaaaaaaaay the fuck to our left! After a little joy riding and a few turn arounds, we finally made it to the Hotel/Casino. Luck was on our side, and our room was ready early, so we just trotted our fine asses up to room 211 and proceeded to string our shit all over the room.
We weren't there too long before we got a call from Lisa telling us that "Elvis is in the building." TLR set up the video camera and she caught our meeting. (Man, I hope she doesn't post that shit on her blog!) We hung out for a while discussing all of our bloggy friends, before we decided to go get something to eat at the restaurant there in the hotel (which was...unimpressive imo). We then headed down to the casino for a while before the concert. Lisa *snicker* I know it's not funny....oh, who am I kidding, it's totally funny...every time we went to the casino, both TLR and I got carded, but they waved Lisa right through. We even told the guy, "Dude! You can't card just two in a group of three! It's just rude." Sorry, Lisa. You had to know I'd bring that up!!
After handing our money over the the casino, we headed back to the room to don our fuckawesome shirts that I had made special for this little shindig.
Then we headed out to the show, where we had our priorities straight and got our drinks before bothering to find somewhere to sit. We were surrounded by lots of very nice people who were more than happy to take pictures of us in our various states of drunkeness throughout the night.
Kelly, Me, TigerlilyRose, Penny and Lisa...can you tell we'd been drinking?
Lisa and TLR spent lots of time tweeting (as you know, I don't do the twitter thing) and sharing the responses with me. teeth are fine, Living with Edward, thanks for the warning!
And Mrs. P, you are an awesome kisser.
Lisa tried valiantly to give me her Mini E...but I protested. Mr. TW would probably have a coronary if I brought him home, so we made TigerlilyRose take him. Sometime throughout the night though, Mini E found a new home. She'd better take good care of him! *sniff* (I was gonna put in a pic, but you'll see it on TLR's blog. I'm just being lazy.)
BTW, Lisa and TLR couldn't believe that I popped my Port-a-potty cherry that night. Really. I'd never been in a Port-a-potty before. It's not nearly as bad as I had expected! I mean, I don't want to spend any more time in there than I absolutely have to, but, it's waaaaaaay better than a real outhouse!
The concert itself was fucking awesome!! The opening band (I can't remember their name, but it had "wood" in it...Woodhouse, maybe?) was very good, and their bass player was wearing a beanie which had Lisa all in a dither. (Again, you can see the pic on TLR's blog. I'm having some trouble with a few pix...I told you, it's a PICNIC error!) I zoomed in close on him and took a picture, which cooled her jets a little...since he didn't look anything like another beanie wearing guitar player we love.
When Joan finally came on stage it was like WOOOOOOOO FUCKING HOOOOOOOOOOOO! Very cool. TLR and I snuck down and got pretty close and took some pictures.
This isn't the best of the pix, but again, I'm having some trouble. *sigh*
For the most part, we stood, danced, sang and drank throughout the whole concert. There was a bit in the middle where we sat through a couple of songs, but the rest of the time was sheer party!! Hell, I had no idea I knew that many Joan Jett songs!
After the concert, we made our way back up to our room. It's really fucking handy to be staying in the hotel where the concert is. No driving is needed and there's no one making faces at you as you stumble drunkenly through the lobby, because there's a couple thousand of you doing it at the same time!
On the way back, some chick was admiring our shirts and said she was "sooooo jealous," but then she rips aside her shirt to show us Joan Jett's fucking autograph on her tank top! And she's jealous of us?! She said that Joan signed one tit, squeezed the other and gave her a kiss on the cheek! I thought about killing her for a brief moment...but it passed.
Back at our room, we decided that we were going to pay-per-view "The Runaways." But we couldn't find it. Damn. We settled for watching New Moon...again. Well, we dozed off and on through it anyway. I think that was the best sleep I got all night, because once the lights were off and I was supposed to go to sleep...nothing. I laid there and thought and thought and thought and thought and thought and....well you get the picture. I didn't sleep well. So add "fucking tired" to a "hangover" in the morning, throw in the fact that I'm not 18 anymore, and I'm pretty sure you get "shit warmed over."
But it was soooooo worth it.
We did a little breakfast the next morning with a follow-up of handing our money to the casino (where Lisa didn't get carded...again), took a few more pictures and then we were on our way back home. (Where we got turned around when we stopped for gas and lost an hour, but it was quality time spent with my best friend, so it's all good.)
The morning after...Mrs. P...what's that all over your face?
To check out Lisa and TigerlilyRose's versions of this totes awesomesauce weekend, check out their blogs!
TwiWeasel Out.
I had some difficulty with the pictures...this is why I don't do a lot of posts. And the ones I do, Nibbles usually puts in the pix for me!
I'm off to read TLR and Lisa's posts now.
TW, your post is awesome!!! Well, except for the reminder that I didn't get fucking carded...twice...while you two kids did. As Stan says, "Tut."
And I completely forgot about the girl with the Joan Jett autograph on her boob. One too many Smirnoff Ice's maybe? Nah. Just old age, clearly ;)
I'm glad we did three separate posts because between the three of us, we have one great memory!
P.S.: You got lost going home, too? LMAO!
This was so enjoyable! Love road trip stories, thanks for sharing your most epic one!
Love your t-shirts, too!
That is all.
BTW. My driving is not that bad, she's just a big pansy!
@ Lisa...we were talking and just turned the wrong way! LOL!!
@'ve never ridden with yourself, have you? *snicker*
I keep remembering little things I wanted to write about. Like when you and Lisa say MotU in your head you pronounce it "Moe-too" but I say "Mot-You." Actually, now I say "Moe-too" as just rolls off the tongue better.
What does getting carded mean????
Love the pics, off to read the others now :)
Phew! I would gave got here sooner but they carded me at the door....
That photo of the hotel waaaaay behind you and to the left was hysterical. The Joan Jett photo is pretty good!!!! You cans see her whole face!!!
Too bad you couldn't take home mini E and he was orphaned. I hope his new parents don't make him work too hard.
So you popped your port a potty cherry? It's not as bad as an outhouse, like you said...but not exactly the best. It works in a pinch though, that's for sure.
Staying at the hotel right there was smart and made the whole trip! You could eat there, and walk to where you had to go. Smart move.
Thank you for respecting the Avi. Lmao!!!
Wease, again, you look fantastic. The weight you lost is really noticeable. :D
And when did you decide to go blond again?
Wait, hold on just one minute. You talked about us? I wanna know what you said about me? Or did you not discuss me because you didn't really know how to pronounce my name? :P
Mwah, and a squeeze on the butt for you babe.
@ Mary...getting carded means they checked our ID (but not Lisa's) to make sure we were over 21!
@ Jelena...Awwwww...thanks! I feel pretty good about myself, actually. And I got some blonde highlights in April before I went to Arizona. Mr. TW hates it and desperately wants me to go back to being brunette. And we actually did discuss that none of us pronounce your name right! LOL!
Mostly we talked about how awesome it would be if we could all meet IRL someday! Lisa and TLR also helped me match real names to blogger names for a few of the folks I'm unsure of. I even got a quick lesson on Twitter, but I'm not sure I'm ready to make that jump yet! *grin*
@ Mary...getting carded means they checked our ID (but not Lisa's) to make sure we were over 21!
@ Jelena...Awwwww...thanks! I feel pretty good about myself, actually. And I got some blonde highlights in April before I went to Arizona. Mr. TW hates it and desperately wants me to go back to being brunette. And we actually did discuss that none of us pronounce your name right! LOL!
Mostly we talked about how awesome it would be if we could all meet IRL someday! Lisa and TLR also helped me match real names to blogger names for a few of the folks I'm unsure of. I even got a quick lesson on Twitter, but I'm not sure I'm ready to make that jump yet! *grin*
Hmmm...apparently I stuttered when I hit "publish." Whatever.
What? You guys didn't wait back stage for Joan to sign Mrs. P? I hear she enjoys a nice tit squeeze.
Great post, Wease!!! I LOVE all the pics and after reading the other two, I practically feel like I was there.
So TW - will you be the only Edbrella rep in FORKS??? I could save you a spot in my sleeping bag...
Jelena--I pronounce your name correctly, thank you. And TW does most of the time! Lisa just calls you jellybabes most of the time.
@Mary- Carded means they check your ID at the door. You have to be 21 to drink or gamble here. And they are supposed to card you if you look 27 or younger. But they just waived Lisa in ahead of us and stopped us at the gate to scan our IDs. TWICE! LOL, it was harsh!
My husband has corrected his directions (YEAH, NOW!) to say there is an exit that says Casinos...there wasn't, but there might have been when he lived in Omaha. We were never lost, but we couldn't figure out how to get to the casinos for way the fuck over here...
To the Iowa Department of Transportation...Mow your medians and put some "turn arounds" in your highways--there was no way to get through to the other highway to go BACK to the interstate for 13 fucking miles! yeesh!
@mmMoxie...You know, that never even crossed my mind. Huh...
@SLV...hate to disappoint, but no. I will not be going to Forks. *sob*
Fab account Wease!
@SLV Edbrella will have a rep in FOOOOOOORKS, but sadly it's none of us. Chimpsten's going to be going with Mrs.P :o)
I'm so glad your teeth are OK. LOL I'm so happy that you guys could get together and have a good time. I've had so much fun meeting my bloggy friends!
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