As Krusty so thoughtfully supplied "Hey, Hey" ho's. Ok so I wasn't fabulously bakin but I was fabulously cookin up a storm. I did roasted veggie soup a la Mary and Spicy veggie sausage bean bake...No I'm not a vegetarian but I am trying to stick to an eating plan and I like Quorn lol well onwards and upwards. Speaking of which the most excellent Mrs P (party on Mrs P) chose the bodacious Jayla to ask the Friday Fun Five and seeing as Mrs P forgot till Thursday evening (here in Blighty) Jayla was fantastic in coming up with these questions so quickly...I tip my cap to you Jayla!

Thank you Mrs. P for choosing me – gosh I’m beyond flattered *blinks and looks around bashfully*
1. You were bumped from your flight to [fill in the blank], but the airline has promised to get you on the next flight out and upgrade your seat to first class. Low and behold you’re seated next to [fill in the blank] and s/he says [fill in the blank]??? I say fill in the Nibbles hehe
Yes that is Rob on a plane putting his pink sleeping bag in the overhead locker...I'm behind him (in disguise...obviously, so the ho's don't attack me) saying just put it over our laps, no one will know...honest...that's me!
2. Your crotchety old boss calls you into her office and tells you that an “intern” will be shadowing you for a day. You are told you have to show them the ropes. It turns out that your intern is one of the Twilight men (Rob, Jackson, Kellan or Peter) researching a role. Who's your intern? What do you do? What's the first thing you show him how to do? (Fluffer is not an answer Nibbles!) Damn you woman!
Love this so much, you can just imagine him browsing pages thinking, fuck, these women or preferably fuck this woman (sticks hand in air) I'd show him how to get on my facebook page and upload a picture of us snogging in front of my computer!
3. Our beloved Twiclock is clicking towards completion. What Twi related thing would you like to do before the Mercedes Guardian turns back into a Chevy? (Go to Forks? Meet Rob? Whatever!) And why? Aw man Jayla, you're making me sad....
Yeah, that's it, I just want Rob to pretty much lick me all over with that big mutherhubbard of a tongue...that's my goal, aim high I say, aim high..
4. What’s your astrological sign? (*bonus is your sign compatible with your Twicrush’s sign?)

5. Bad habits- we all have them, what’s your worst?

Tee hee oh Charlie you porn stached devil you!
Actually I can see this question bringing on another hair sticking debate pmsl.
Have a great weekend ladies!
We will Jayla, great questions, I really can't wait to see some of the answers lol
Me,me,me, I'm going first lol
1) You were bumped from your flight to [fill in the blank], but the airline has promised to get you on the next flight out and upgrade your seat to first class. Low and behold you’re seated next to [fill in the blank] and s/he says [fill in the blank]???
Ok I was bumped from my flight tooooooooo Australia (cos it takes a long ass time to get there hehe), low and behold I'm sat next to Rob (gasp, it's true) and he says "Ooooo, you're wearing a Twisted Edbrella tshirt...that's my favourite blog about me. Are you Nibbles? Cos if you are I've always wanted meet a filthy ho like you, would you care to join the mile high club with me?" Oh fantasy you're a wonderful thing le sigh.....
2)The new intern what's the first thing you show him how to do?- Mmmm make a decent cup of coffee, I think I'd have Jasperpants in the office. He looks fun and would sing along to the radio with me. Also I bet he'd be a mean filer of records and he wouldn't grass me up for playing on facebook pmsl
3)Twiclock is ticking, what would you do before it ends-Um as i said pretty much what the picture says I'd like to dive into a vat of chocolate with Rob and let him lick it all off and vice versa cos I like a bit of vice if ya get my drift-he he wheeeee Rob & chocolate oh yeah baby!
4)What's your sign baby?- Whoo hoo I'm a pisces, dreamy, creative, mystical? whatever, anyhow Rob is a Taurus and we get on like a house on fire so YAY for me and Rob, he just has to leave Stew-ped and realise I'm the one for him!!!
5)Bad habits-Mmm so many to choose from, um ok I bite my nails but only when they get long, it's like I grow them then they irritate me so I bite them off again, yeah I know nail file! I also put the hair from the shower on the soap tray which no one uses as we use shower gel but I put it in the bin afterwards, so I guess its not that bad....mmmm sometimes I don't listen, I have a quick temper but I forgive and forget really quickly too...I probably have more but I can't think, you should ask my husband really lol. Does my obsession with Rob and others count lol
Great questions Jayla, loved answering them!
OK - don't know if I have good answers to everything, but I'll give it a shot.
1. I'm bumped from my flight to England and get seated next to Rob on his way home. He notices my twi-bracelet and asks if I'n a fan. I don't really care what we talk about as long as I get to sit next to the pretty for 8 hours.
2. It has to be Jackson. I can't imagine Rob or Kellan taking a part that requires them to be stuck in a tiny cubicle. First thing I always show new people is where the snack machine, coffee pot & bathrooms are. Once at my cube, Jackson would see the Kellan poster, Rob calendar and signed photo of Alex Meraz. He would ask why I don't have any pics of him. I would be embarrassed but show him all my saved pictures of him which are sometimes my computer background. I alternate between Rob, Kellan & Jackson on my computer.
3. I would want to meet Kellan in person and get one of his famous hugs.
4. My sign is Virgo, the virgin and I have no idea which sign it's compatible with.
5. Bad habits. Moi?? I guess procrastinating is my worst habit. Plus I spend too much time on the computer at home instead of cleaning house & such.
Hair sticking - shudder!
1. I was bumped from my flight to London (to go see my hoors). Lo and behold, I'm seated next to Kellan (duh!), and he says "Hi. You look familiar. Have we met?" (this will be after I've sent him my love letter and a photo of myself, pmsl)
2. Kellan again - I show him how to ditch work under pretenses of having something to do outside the office.
3. Oh, I think we have quite a bit of time left, but I'd definitely like to meet my hos. And, meet Kellan in person. :D
4. I'm Aries. I researched Pisces (Kellan). It says we're good for a while, very good sexual tension, but not good on long term. Figures. The only guy who broke my heart was Pisces.
5. Pro.Cra.Sti.Nation. Definitely the worst habit I have, and the one I'd like to get rid of the most.
Good questions, Jayla, especially considering how little time you had to come up with them.
Wow, TM, we got 2 out of 5 answers exactly the same.
But I warn you - Kellan's mine, pmsl. :D
Whoo hoo Jelly, I'm a just sayin!!!
Jelly- I think we have a lot in common. Except that I still dream about Rob more than Kellan. I do look into Kellan's blue eyes all day since his poster is next to my computer screen.
Good questions, Jayla. I don't have time now to devote to this (still at work, boo) but I'll do my best over the weekend!
1. I was bumped from my flight to England. I'm seated next to Jackson...we talk music, he shares what's on his ipod with me, we make out a bitand I take a pic to send to Mrs. P.. I have him sign my face and again take a pic to send to Mrs. P...WTF, M? See, all I wanna do is please you. Sheesh!
2. Fluffer, bwahahahahaha! I think if any of the twimen showed up in my bank, they would be mauled before they even got to my desk. I'd ask Kellan WTF he wants to know how to be a bank teller's pretty unfulfilling as a job, but hey, it brings home a paycheck. Not that I don't like my job...I'd show him how to image the checks and have misc other things *coughfanfictioncough* open really small so it looks like I'm still working.
3. It doesn't necessarily have to be before the so called Twiclock runs out, but I wanna meet you bitches IRL...going to Forks would probably help that sitch, but it's not in the cards. Someday tho...
4. Fuck, I don't know...some things say I'm Capricorn and some say Aquarius. Apparently I'm right on the border of the two. So what the fuck does that mean? Not a clue.
5. Hmmm...bad habits. Well, I got up and immediately hopped on the computer, so does that give you any idea? I've slowed it down some, but I had a serious fanfiction addiction going for a while and was reading (a lot) at work. My productivity is like zero. *shakes fist* Damn you Twilight Fan Fiction!!!
1) You were bumped from your flight to Hawaii, but the airline has promised to get you on the next flight out and upgrade your seat to first class. Low and behold you’re seated next to Peter Facinelli and he says so what is your favorite charity? And we talk all about our lives, hopes, families (including his wife Jennie Garth, whom I adore) and some Twilight.
2)The new intern what's the first thing you show him how to do? None of them would EVER want to do my job. I would take them out to lunch and save them from the torture LOL!
3)Twiclock is ticking, what would you do before it ends? I want to meet all my overseas friends!
4)What's your sign baby? Scorpio!!
5)Bad habits? Overthinking EVERYTHING!!!
LOL at the ANTM reference.. I was really mad that season,,, she was such a b*tch (moving on) I was a total fail at answering my own questions as I was a bit preoccupied playing with the wolfpack this weekend… but now my summer vacay is over and I’m with my mom picking up my mini.. her computer drives me batty and typing is painfully difficult on her laptop…. Will post and come back tomorrow to read & pick a winner.
1. You were bumped from your flight to LONDON, but the airline has promised to get you on the next flight out and upgrade your seat to first class. Low and behold you’re seated next to ROB and WEREN’T YOU THE WOMAN WHO WAS FREAKING OUT IN THE AIRPORT? BLOODY HELL CAN’T THEY MOVE ME SOMWHERE ELSE?
2. Your crotchety old boss calls you into her office and tells you that an “intern” will be shadowing you for a day. You are told you have to show them the ropes. It turns out that your intern is one of the Twilight men (Rob, Jackson, Kellan or Peter) researching a role. Who's your intern? What do you do? What's the first thing you show him how to do? (Fluffer is not an answer Nibbles!) Damn you woman!
Oh Kellan is my intern… and I’m going to pretend I already have a bistro (Mr Jayla Is my boss) and I show Kellan how to bake sweet rolls. All that flouring, kneading, rolling and shaping (fluffing) total win for me
3. Our beloved Twiclock is clicking towards completion. What Twi related thing would you like to do before the Mercedes Guardian turns back into a Chevy? (Go to Forks? Meet Rob? Whatever!) And why? Aw man Jayla, you're making me sad....
For me- I’d really love to have an depth discussion with Rob & Jackson after they’ve had chance to read a certain genre of fanfic cough-slash- cough…. (Anything written by mskathy, tuesdaymidnight or rmhale would do)
4. What’s your astrological sign? (*bonus is your sign compatible with your Twicrush’s sign?)
I’m a Libra- but nothing like the sign. I’m not vain, or a real people person.
Since I’m a Cullen h00r… Jackson is a Sagittarius (immediate comfort & communication is all good!); Rob is a Taurus (it says there is an immediate attraction, YAY); Kellan is a Pieces we’ll either love each other or be totally confused… ugh!
5. Bad habits- we all have them, what’s your worst?
Hmm, I don’t think porn is a bad habit, so I’ll say biting my nails… especially when I’m stressed and disturbed about something.
@ isn't a bad habit until you go blind! Bwahahahha!!
Thank you for answering my FFF... and the winner is.... TwiWeasel!! *applauds loudly*
*Takes a bow* Thank you, Thank you! was the going blind reference, wasn't it? *snicker*
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